Give Me the Love
Magnify Thy words, and write them on my heart
Season them with love, and never let them part
Strengthen me with faith, and bind it to my soul
Heal my battered mind, and help to keep me whole
Let Thy glory shine, and light my path with truth
Let Thy hand be on me, in all the things I do
Deliver me from evil; keep me sober and aware
Surround me with Thy grace, and keep me in Thy care
Have compassion for my plight, and mercy when I’m down
Lift me to my feet, and set me on solid ground
Drive away my fears, my worries and concern
Replace them all with strength, and wisdom at every turn
Let Thy Kingdom come; let Thy will on earth be done
Lead us with Thy wisdom; send forth your beloved son
Make Thy presence known; write Thy laws upon our hearts
Fix this broken world, and give us brand new start
Give me the love, give me the strength
Give me all the faith that I will need
To keep your words deep in me
Away from all the treachery
The lies and deceit